Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Shoot, Move, and Communicate!

I woke up this morning with an old Artillery cadence running through my head. Shoot, Move, and Communicate! (Yes I know I am a dork) I think there are some life lessons we can learn when we consider those three actions as a plan for success in any endeavor. BUT first we have to flip the script.

1) Communicate – don’t assume someone else knows your intentions, your goals, or your passions. Always keep an open dialogue with others. Remember to listen more than you talk.
2) Move – continually get yourself in position to win. The people you hang around, the choices you make, the books you read, the TV shows you watch all have an impact on you. Move into position to win by choosing what you let influence you.
3) Shoot – take action! Nothing will be accomplished until you get up off it and get on with it. Sometimes you will miss the mark, but keep on shooting and ultimately you will be successful in hitting your targets on a consistent basis.

Communicate, Move, Shoot – not as snazzy in a running cadence but is a better approach to the challenges in your life.

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