Friday, February 5, 2010

Gabe Gabs Entry 2

Gabe got into a little trouble at school yesterday and the root cause (root cause? – am I a quality guy or what? – geek!) was he didn’t make a good decision. We are working with him a lot lately on his decision-making. So his punishment was no TV or video games last night before bed. After that was administered, Mandi did a little test to check to see if he got the whole decision making thing. When he asked if he could get dessert after dinner, she asked him if he thought he should have dessert. After a few moments of face distortions (he was really thinking hard – LOL) he busted out with “I know I should say – ‘I shouldn’t have any because I don’t deserve it’ – but I really want it though”.

He made that statement very softly so I didn’t here it. I had to walk away anyway because his face distortions had me about ready to bust out laughing. Then while Mandi and I were walking later, she told me what he said. OMG, classic Gabe!

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