Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm a Man of a Certain Age

Men of a Certain Age is a new show on TNT that is entertaining and if I’m being honest, pretty accurate. I’ll let you check it out for yourself and won’t go into all the details of the characters. But watching last night I had to laugh at myself as I could SO relate to all the Rocky references. From the song references, to one of my favorite quotes from Rocky 1, to the one dude raising his arms after a victory over a stubborn government agency. Too funny! The Rocky series of movies are my all time favorites! I love the continual theme of working your butt off to achieve your goals and ‘the journey’ being the most important takeaway, almost making the actual victory anti-climatic. It hasn’t been so bad in recent years but in the past my family had to endure me watching these movies over and over again. I probably have watched the first three @ least 30 times each.

I am a “man of a certain age” and know many of you are too. Most of us don’t have the opportunity to play sports for millions of dollars, hoist a Stanley Cup or the Vince Lombardi Trophy in the air, or do a fist pump after making a birdie putt to win the U.S. Open, but we can be heroes in our own ways. Reading a book with your child and seeing his face light up in amazement because dad knows all the big words. Standing up for your child when they are wronged and letting them know you have their back. Making dad’s special scrambled eggs with cheese on Saturday morning. Praying with your kids at night before they go to sleep. Surprising your wife with something she really likes – just because. Being the loudest and most encouraging parent on the sidelines cheering on your kids as they try their best on the fields of friendly strife. Fixing the leaky faucet, changing that light bulb that only you can reach, or fixing the DVR right before “the most important show” of the year to your kids comes on that you promised you would record for them.

Just getting out there everyday for your family and being the best you, you can be! With all of your warts, faults, and shortcomings but your heart firmly in the right place. So let’s celebrate we “men of a certain age” and raise our hands in the air after each ‘small’ victory. Those bad boys add up and I think are the most important anyway.


  1. Wow, Charlie, how prophetic! I have all the episodes DVR'd and didnit know if I really wanted to start watching. The reviews have been lackluster, but that woudn't be the first time a really good and popular show was lambasted by the "experts."

    Based on this, I will watch... Now if it sucks, I know where your blog is!!!

    Nicely written!

  2. Thanks a bunch Tony for your comments and I do hope that you enjoy the show. I certainly do and yes you do know where I blog. That's a good one. :)
